Ottawa, ON – Today and tomorrow, Liberals are holding their only leadership debates. They are trying to sneakily dupe Canadians into electing them for a fourth time and make them forget the damage they have done after nine years by replacing Trudeau with his economic advisor, Carbon Tax Carney. 

They are trying to trick Canadians into forgetting that Carney is the person who advised Trudeau to follow his disastrous policies that doubled housing costs, doubled food bank lineups, doubled the national debt, and made our economy weak and put us at risk of devastation in the face of Trump’s tariff threat. 

Carbon Tax Carney is sneakily trying to hide his plans to impose a bigger and larger “shadow” carbon tax after the election. Carney has dedicated his career to the carbon tax and advised Justin Trudeau to hike this tax, after saying that carbon taxes “have been applied sparingly [and] set far too low.” Carney is sneakily pretending he will axe the tax, when in reality Carney only says he will “change” the carbon tax and impose a bigger and larger tax that will hurt Canadians, while also ending the rebates. When will he tell Canadians how much his new and bigger tax will cost?

Liberals are trying to coronate Carney as Trudeau’s successor, and make him Prime Minister, while he sneakily refuses to tell Canadians about his many conflicts of interest. Carney must reveal all of his financial interests, so Canadians know whether he is using the office of the Prime Minister to financially enrich himself. He must disclose his full compensation from Brookfield as well as his current financial interests in that firm, especially as he moved Brookfield’s headquarters from Canada to New York City when he was the chair of their board.

Carney has sneakily been speaking out of both sides of his mouth, saying one thing in French and another thing in English hoping no one would notice. He has told English-language media that he would use federal emergency powers to build pipelines. But when he was asked the same question in French, Carney promised he would never build any pipelines against Quebec’s will. This is a lie. 

The only reason Carney wants to use federal emergency powers is to override the wishes of provinces. Carney must stop being sneaky and explain his contradictory remarks. This is especially important as Carbon Tax Carney has a long history of opposing Canadian pipelines at home, while investing in foreign pipelines in the Middle East and South America.  

And last week Carney announced a sneaky accounting trick in which he plans to cook the books to take billions of dollars of new Liberal spending off the budget records. Without revealing any details, Carney said he would put government spending on different credit cards and pretend that this debt and deficit spending is different. While Trudeau racks up record debt on one credit card, Carney’s sneaky plan to try and trick Canadians is to put debt on two credit cards. This is so he can pretend he is spending less while still racking up debt that Canadians will have to pay for through higher taxes and inflation. 

Sneaky Carney must tell Canadians the truth about his secret plans and ethics disclosures, before he’s Prime Minister.