Ottawa, ON – The Liberals are trying to pull a sneaky trick on Canadians. They think that they can trick Canadians into reelecting them for a fourth term by replacing Justin Trudeau with Mark Carney, Trudeau’s top economic advisor and handpicked successor. 

As Pierre Poilievre said today before a rally crowd of 3,000 patriotic Canadians in London Ontario today: 

“And now our Liberal friends, after they’ve caused all this damage, are going to pull a sneaky trick tonight. They’re going to try to get elected for a fourth term. A fourth term by replacing Justin Trudeau with his economic adviser, Mark Carney. Carney’s advice drove up taxes, housing costs, and food prices, while he personally profited from moving billions of dollars and thousands of jobs out of Canada to the United States. Working for Trudeau, Carney made Canada weaker and poorer. Working for himself, Carney made the United States richer and stronger. And for the first time in our history, Canada will have a sneaky Prime Minister with millions of dollars of financial interests that go directly against our national interest. And make no mistake, Donald Trump will have a big smile on his face as he exploits all of Carney’s many conflicts to attack Canadian workers and Canadian jobs. But we Conservatives won’t let either of them do it. We will put Canada first.”

Carbon Tax Carney has sneakily refused to tell Canadians how he plans to continue Justin Trudeau’s legacy in a fourth Liberal term. But he enthusiastically praised Trudeau in his acceptance speech for “transforming” Canada. Carney has been hiding away from the media, and has refused to disclose his financial interests, even though they may directly go against our national interest. 

While there are still lots of unanswered questions Carney must answer, here’s what we do know, he is Just Like Justin:

Carbon Tax Carney’s Shadow Carbon Tax 

Carney has spent the last month trying to trick Canadians into forgetting that he personally advised Justin Trudeau to hike the carbon tax on the backs of working Canadians. Now, he’s saying he will suspend the carbon tax until after the election. But Carney’s record is clear: he said that Trudeau’s carbon taxes “have been applied sparingly [and] set far too low.” Now he’s pretending he will axe the tax, when in reality, Carney admitted that he would “change” the carbon tax by cancelling the rebates, making it even bigger, and passing the costs down directly onto Canadian families and businesses. Donald Trump wants to take Canadian jobs, and Carbon Tax Carney is the man to hand them to him.

Carney Won’t Reveal His Conflicts Of Interest 

Mark Carney sneakily exploited a loophole in the Conflict of Interest Act and refuses to disclose his finances to Canadians. In his acceptance speech tonight Mark Carney mocked his flaunting of ethics rules. He could do the right thing and publish his finances, but instead, he’s using the ‘Carney Loophole,’ which allows him to become Prime Minister for four months without ever having to tell Canadians about his financial interests, even though they may oppose the interests of working Canadians. Carney cannot sneakily hide anymore now that he is about to become Prime Minister, he must disclose his assets to Canadians.

When Carney Wins, Canadians Lose

Sneaky Mark Carney has a long history of placing his own profits ahead of the interests of Canadians. Mark Carney advised Justin Trudeau to kill pipeline projects in Canada while he invested in pipelines in Latin America and the Middle East. He also decided to move his company’s headquarters and Canadian jobs to Donald Trump’s hometown of New York City just six days after Donald Trump first threatened unjustified tariffs on Canada. Then, he tried to lie to Canadians, saying he had no involvement in this decision, right up until Conservatives discovered a letter showing Carney personally advocating for this move. Sneaky Carney just can’t be trusted. 

Carney Will Cook The Books

Mark Carney is trying to trick Canadians into forgetting that he is the person who advised Trudeau to double the national debt and create sky-high inflation. Now, he has announced a sneaky accounting trick in which he plans to cook the books to take billions of dollars of new Liberal spending off the budget records. Without revealing any details, Carney said he would put government spending on different credit cards and pretend that this debt and deficit spending is different. But no matter what credit card he puts his inflationary spending on, Canadians will still have to pay for it through higher taxes and inflation. 

Carney Can’t Stop Lying

Since he announced his candidacy to replace Justin Trudeau, Carney has spun a tangled web of lies. First, he told Canadians that he had nothing to do with moving Brookfield’s headquarters to Donald Trump’s hometown, when in reality he wrote a letter to his shareholders encouraging them to vote for this move. Then, he told Canadians he helped Paul Martin balance the budget in 1998, when he wasn’t even in the country. Then, he got caught saying one thing in French and another thing in English. He told English-language media that he would use federal emergency powers to build pipelines. But when he was asked the same question in French, Carney promised he would never build any pipelines against Quebec’s will. On top of this, after promising Canadians that he had resigned from all his positions, the National Post discovered that Carney continued to sneakily work at various global organizations. He also bizarrely claimed that Canada was America’s largest supplier of semiconductors when Canada doesn’t even supply 1% of this product to the U.S. 

Carney Blamed Canadians For Unaffordable Groceries

Mark Carney is sneakily trying to blame working Canadians for unaffordable groceries. This is made worse by the fact that Carney is so out-of-touch, he simply could not answer how much a family spends on groceries during the French-language debate. Mark Carney said, “one of the reasons why families have a hard time to afford their groceries is because we haven’t had productivity. That’s the issue.” But Mark Carney knows this isn’t the issue. Canadians have been working harder than ever. But Carney has to blame Canadians because he knows the only people who are actually responsible for the surging cost of living are himself and Justin Trudeau.