The following is a transcript of the Hon. Pierre Poilievre’s remarks from March 2nd, 2025. These remarks have been edited for length. Check against delivery.

On Tuesday, President Trump’s threatened tariffs are set to kick in.

If tariffs happen, we must retaliate. And use the revenues mostly to cut taxes for Canadian workers and businesses bolstering our economy against the tariffs.

He may again decide to change his mind and delay or cancel them, like he has done so many times with so many countries.

But we can’t rely on that forever. 

Rather, we need to take back control of our economy and become strong, self-reliant and sovereign. Simply put: we need to bring it home. We must bring home our jobs, our resource production, our supply chains. We must not only harvest our resources but have build the LNG plants and other facilities to get overseas markets. 

That means tax cuts and greenlighting massive resource projects to bring home our jobs, business and money to become less dependent on the United States. It means rejecting the radical keep-it-in-the-ground environmental agenda that Mark Carney advised on Justin Trudeau.

That is why over a month ago, I called on the government to immediately:

  1. Repeal the no-pipelines law C-69. A law that also blocks mines, power dams, and LNG plants that we need to become less reliant on the Americans.
  2. Immediately convene the Premiers to remove exemptions from the Canada Free Trade Deal, so Canadians can trade between provinces.
  3. Pass a Bring it Home Tax Cut on work, investment, homebuilding, energy and making stuff in Canada.
  4. Immediately remove red tape and taxes to boost home building–wouldn’t that be a wonderful way to keep our beleaguered lumber mills and loggers working, selling wood for new affordable homes. 

None of that happened.

Despite claiming that they now all agree with my ideas to reverse our over-reliance on the Americans, Liberals have spent the last 3 months since the tariff threats started fighting each other for power and raising money for Mark Carney, rather than passing pro-growth tax cuts, repealing anti-resource laws and knocking down trade barriers. They slammed the door shut on Parliament—making it impossible to repeal job-killing laws and taxes or take back control of our economy from the Americans.

So—today, as we speak, the No-Pipelines law bill C-69 is still in place, 

All Liberal tax increases are still in place, trade barriers within Canada are still in place.

The federal sales tax on new homes is still in place.

The Carney-Trudeau Liberal policies that have doubled housing costs, doubled food bank use, doubled the debt, gave us the worst growth in the G7 and pushed a half trillion dollars to the U.S. are all still in place.

Speaking of pushing money to the U.S., we now know that Mark Carney did exactly what President Trump wanted.

On November 26, 2024, Donald Trump threatened tariffs against Canada to take our jobs. Six days later, Mark Carney announced he would move Brookfield’s headquarters from Canada to Trump’s hometown of New York, giving Canadian jobs to Americans. And we all know, that where the headquarters goes, the jobs and money will soon follow. Mr. Carney did exactly what Trump wanted. He backed down and sold out our country when Canadians were under attack. He did it all while he was acting as Justin Trudeau’s economic advisor.

When asked about why he moved the headquarters out of Canada, he said he had nothing to do with it; that the decision was made after he had left the company in January. 

Yet documents show the decision was made in October, that he chaired the board meeting where it was unanimously decided and he personally announced his agreement with the decision in writing to Brookfield shareholders.

Confronted about the falsehood, he now says, he should have been more precise.

But here is the thing: He was extremely precise.

He said and I quote: “the decision, the formal decision of the board, happened after I ceased to be on the board.”

Let me read that again: “the decision, the formal decision of the board, happened after I ceased to be on the board.”

That is a very precise statement—precisely the opposite of the truth.

The formal decision happened in October 2024, 3 months before Mr. Carney left.

And Mr. Carney chaired that board meeting.

So he chaired the board meeting that decided to move the headquarters out of Canada. And then, he claimed he wasn’t even with the company when the decision he made happened. 

As for why the move, he claims it was good for his share price. Really? He put his share price ahead of his country. And if Mark Carney believes that America is a better place to invest than Canada after 10 years of Liberal government, is he telling other companies they would be better off leaving Canada?

He needs to come before all of you, look you in the eyes and apologize for lying to Canadians and for putting his personal profits ahead of our country.

Mark Carney put himself first, instead of putting Canada First.

We need action to protect our country and its people, to take back control of our economic future. And to protect Canadians from the greedy CEOs who would ship our jobs abroad.

And to bring home the promise of Canada that Liberals broke over the last 10 years.

Pierre Poilievre and the Common-Sense Conservatives will restore Canada’s promise so all who work hard get a great life in a beautiful home on a safe street protected by strong borders and military under our proud flag.

Conservatives have a plan that axes the taxes, builds the homes, fixes the budget, stops the crime and puts Canada First. We will bring home paycheques and production and let Canadians bring home more of what they earn.

We will cut bureaucracy, consultants, corporate welfare and foreign aid to bring down Liberal deficits, taxes and inflation. And we will unleash massive economic growth by repealing Liberal anti-development laws to dig mines, build pipelines, factories, and other highly profitable businesses.

We will pass a massive Bring it Home Tax Cut on work, investment, energy, homebuilding and making stuff in Canada. We will reward your hard work with an income tax cut, so you bring home more of each dollar you earn.

We will take the GST off new homes to save you up to $50,000.

We will axe the carbon tax for everyone forever to bring down energy costs for families and businesses. And we will reject plans by Carney to bring in new carbon taxes too. We will simplify the tax code to cut compliance and enforcement costs by at least 20%.

And cut taxes on businesses that invest more in Canada, to bring home factories, pipelines, technology and other job-creating, income-generating projects.

We will rapidly approve the LNG plants Liberals have blocked and exports of uranium and civilian nuclear technology to displace dirty coal production in other parts of the world. Helping India supply half of its new electricity demand with Canadian natural gas instead of dirty coal would reduce emissions by 2.5 billion tons or three times the emissions of all of Canada. We will bring global emissions down by bringing jobs home. We will use technology and not taxes. And we will unleash abundant affordable energy, not energy poverty.

The choice: Do you think Trudeau-Carney Liberals deserve a fourth term of breaking promises and raising middle-class taxes or do you want change with the Common Sense Conservatives who will axe taxes for everyone, for real and forever?

The choice: Do you think the Trudeau-Carney Liberals deserve a fourth term of pushing our resource jobs out of Canada or will you vote for change with Common Sense Conservatives who will bring our resource jobs home?

We will put Canada First.

And we will restore Canada’s promise so all who work hard get a great life in a beautiful home on a safe street protected by strong borders and military under our proud flag.