Ottawa, ON — After nine years, the NDP-Liberals have created economic misery. Through it all, Chrystia Freeland has been Trudeau’s right-hand woman, supporting his plan to quadruple the carbon tax at the pump to 61 cents per litre by 2030.
Trudeau confirmed as much during his resignation, saying: “Chrystia has been by my side for close to 10 years now. She has been an incredible political partner through just about everything we have done as a government and as a party over the past decade.”
But while Freeland now tries to run away from her disastrous policies, her record speaks for itself. Carbon Tax Chrystia voted for the carbon tax at least 43 times. As Finance Minister, Carbon Tax Chrystia oversaw a 167% hike to the Liberals’ carbon tax.
Here are just a few of the many examples, with Freeland, of course, referring to their carbon tax by the Trudeau-esque euphemism ‘price on pollution’:
• “I absolutely believe that a price on pollution is the right thing for Canada and for our economy.” (LINK)
• “Ours is the only major party that continues to advocate for a price on pollution, the most economically rational way to fight climate change.” (LINK)
• “I personally live in central Toronto, our family doesn’t have a car…The price on pollution actually is helpful to people in Toronto across the country…….You know, the price on pollution really is not adding to the challenges that households are facing right now.” (LINK)
• “there are many businesses investing in Canada based on our price on pollution.” (LINK)
• “Canada has a world-leading price on pollution…In fact, as many countries in the world look to up their level of ambition they are seeing inspiration in our plan.” (LINK)
• “the price on pollution is very important…” (LINK)
• “There are a number of measures on affordability in this budget, and the price on pollution is economically the most effective way to act on climate change.” (LINK)
Of course, we should not be surprised by Carbon Tax Chrystia’s continuous advocacy for carbon taxes, given that – by her own admission – she had been taking guidance from top carbon tax advocate Carbon Tax Carney for years:
• “Truly, Mark is a personal friend of mine of very longstanding.” … “As soon as I became a Minister, I continued to talk to Mark and get his advice and talk about ideas with him. He and I had a really good conversation over the weekend, and I’m really looking forward to continuing to work with him.” (LINK)
• “Tackling climate change requires international collaboration and leadership. I can think of no better person than Mark Carney for the position of UN Special Envoy for Climate Action. Congratulations!” (LINK)
• “[Carney] is someone who I talk to often…it’s really great for our team to have Mark providing advice to the Liberal Party.” (LINK)
While Freeland’s economic vandalism pushed half a trillion of investment from Canada to the US, she backed the job-killing capital gains hike that is projected to reduce GDP by $90 billion and employment by 414,000. This is while the gap in per capita GDP between Canada and the US is now $33,000, despite being equal a decade ago.
Freeland authored the infamous fall economic update that blew past her own fiscal guardrails. She was fully prepared to deliver the record-breaking $62 billion deficit until it was revealed she was getting a demotion.
After being fine with doubling the debt, doubling housing costs and quadrupling the carbon tax, Freeland suddenly had a change of heart. But we know it was only about her. Nobody is duped by Freeland’s about-face on ‘costly political gimmicks’ she happily championed as Finance Minister. Time and time again, she stood by Trudeau because she is just like Justin.
It is time for an election so Canadians can take back control of their lives and their country, and elect Common Sense Conservatives who will axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget and stop the crime.
Go to for more information on Carbon Tax Chrystia, Carbon Tax Carney, and all the other Liberals that are Just Like Justin.