Our game.

Canada’s game. Canada’s legacy. The true North, strong, free and golden 🇨🇦 – Le jeu du Canada. L’héritage du Canada. Le vrai Nord, fort, libre et doré 🇨🇦

They are wrong

Liberals gaslight you into silence by saying it is unpatriotic to point out that they broke everything. They are wrong. We must point out what Liberals broke, so we can do the most patriotic thing of all: repair and restore our country.

Barely a week later

One day Carbon Tax Carney says he will cut transfers to the provinces. Barely a week later he says the opposite. Sneaky. Sneaky. #JustLikeJustin: https://justlikejustin.ca/mark-carney

À peine une semaine plus tard

Mark Carney déclare qu’il réduira les transferts aux provinces. À peine une semaine plus tard, il dit le contraire. Il est sournois. #ToutCommeTrudeau : https://toutcommetrudeau.ca/mark-carney/