OTTAWA, ON – The Conservative Party of Canada is launching a new ad on Carbon Tax Carney exposing his obsession with the Liberal carbon tax.

Carbon Tax Carney is trying to rewrite history. He is trying to convince Canadians he didn’t repeatedly push, endorse, and praise the very policies Justin Trudeau forced on Canadians, which have caused so much misery over the last nine years.

Carbon Tax Carney’s own record shows clearly where he stands.

As a long-time Liberal insider, advisor at least as early as 2020, and Chair of Justin Trudeau’s so-called “Leader’s Task Force on Economic Growth,” Carbon Tax Carney is the furthest thing possible from an outsider.

It’s clear that Carbon Tax Carney and the Liberals will say anything to try and hold power. But they cannot be trusted.

Carbon Tax Carney is just like Justin.

Video link:

We need a carbon tax election now, so Canadians can choose between the same old NDP-Liberal costly coalition that taxes your food, punishes your work, doubles your housing costs and unleashes crime and drugs in your community, OR common sense Conservatives who will axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget and stop the crime.


-Carney touted Trudeau’s carbon tax a “success,” called it a “model for others,” (pg. 440 in his book) and has repeatedly endorsed Trudeau’s $170/tonne carbon tax price.

“You need a price on carbon.”

-Carney has called for global carbon taxes: “we would have a global carbon price…everyone should try to have a price on carbon.”

Carney demanded “a steady increase in the price of carbon” and says carbon taxes have been “set far too low.

-Carney referred to carbon taxes as the “best” policy. -He even talked about a “shadow carbon price.