Ottawa, ON – Michael Barrett, Conservative Shadow Minister for Ethics and Accountable Government, released the following statement:
“Carbon Tax Carney is sneakily hiding from Canadians after he lied multiple times during his disastrous English-language leadership debate. He was caught lying about his role in helping Paul Martin balance the budget after he was already caught lying about moving his company’s HQ from Canada to New York City.
“And he refuses to provide answers about his sneaky claims.
“First, Carney said he had no role in Brookfield’s decision to move their headquarters from Canada to New York City, Donald Trump’s hometown. This is a lie. Carney chaired the meeting where the decision was made and wrote to company shareholders endorsing the move. In fact, Brookfield’s board, of which Mark Carney was Chair, ‘unanimously determined’ the move, taking jobs away from Canadians.
“But he won’t answer questions. The Toronto Star ‘asked the Carney campaign repeatedly if he supported moving the headquarters to New York, but did not receive a response.’
“Carney should come out of hiding and answer questions. And the real question for Carney: If you thought it was a good business decision for Brookfield to move company headquarters to New York City, does he think every other Canadian business should also do the same?
“Carney also bizarrely claimed he helped then Finance Minister Paul Martin balance the budget in 1998. But Carney sneakily forgot to tell Canadians that he only joined the Department of Finance in 2004. Carney wasn’t even in the country at the time.
“And again he refuses to answer questions. But he has a lot he must provide answers on.
“Mark Carney likes to sneakily take credit for certain things when it is advantageous to him but then dodges accountability when it isn’t. Like he’s tried to do with Brookfield’s New York City move. Or with his role advising Justin Trudeau for years. Or claiming he had no awareness of how Stripe, which he sat on the board of, pocketed savings that were intended for small businesses.
“And we know that Mark Carney is refusing to disclose his assets and potential conflicts of interest. In today’s National Post, ‘When asked how much Carney received in speaking fees…his spokesman, did not directly respond.’ Because of the ‘Carney Loophole’ to the law, he could become Prime Minister and get through an entire general election campaign without any disclosure. Carney is hiding, and dodging accountability.
“The silence is deafening. It’s time for Mark Carney to come out and provide answers.”